Be part of the change of this youth
Donate with Transfers
To contribute to the future of the most vulnerable young people and transform their lives by enhancing their capacities and skills for personal and professional development, follow these steps:
- If you are in Colombia, donate through our Bancolombia savings accoun Bancolombia 019-000087-04 under the name FUNDACIÓN MENTES SOÑADORAS with NIT 901 810 139 -9.
If you wish to make donations through international transfers to the FUNDACIÓN MENTES SOÑADORAS, bank account, you can do so with the following information:COLOMBIA
Bank Name: Bancolombia
Account Number: 019-000087-04
Account Type: Ahorros
Account Name: Fundación Mentes Soñadoras
Bank Name: Chase
Swift: CHASUS33
Account Number: 599899708
Routing number: 021000021
Account Name: Mentes Sonadoras Foundation
* Make a check payable to “Mentes Sonadoras Foundation”
* Write “Mentes Sonadoras Foundation” in the memo field of the check
* Mail the check to: 300 w Via Alamos dr, Green Valley, Arizona USA - Send the receipt along with your details by email to or through our WhatsApp chat at +57 310 625 7284 If you are abroad, send the receipt to the WhatsApp number +1 470 633 66 64
Thank you for being part of the change!